Sunday, September 7, 2014

LEGO WeDo in Space!

Yes, LEGO WeDo was in Space in the International Space Station!

This is part of after school activities between LEGO Education and NASA. The idea behind is to inspire students and teachers across the globe.

So, you would be required to answer a few questions about science in space for the Smart Spinner and the Airplane Rescue activities.

Si, LEGO WeDo estuvo en el espacio en la Estación Espacial Internacional!

Este es parte de actividades extracurriculares entre LEGO Education y NASA. La idea es inspirar a estudiantes y profesores alrededor del mundo.

Se requiere responder algunas preguntas acerca de ciencia en el espacio para las actividades de la Peonza o Trompo Inteligentey el Rescate del Aeroplano.

Cabe mencionar que los videos están en inglés.

1 comment:

  1. This is a piece of after school exercises between LEGO Education and NASA Cleveland Community College. The thought behind is to rouse understudies and educators over the globe Satcom Direct. Thus, you would be required to address a couple of inquiries concerning science in space for the Smart Spinner and the Airplane Rescue exercises CompTIA Security+ Recertification.
