Monday, February 17, 2014

Fan Video!

Today we have a cool video by one of our fans. She is Amanda DC.

The video is about the Forklift Truck with a neat history. Can you help John to build the Forklift to move the heavy blocks?

If you like the video, don't forget to comment and support Amanda DC

You can find the video at
Hoy tenemos un video bien interesante de unos de nuestros fans. Ella es Amanda DC.

El video es acerca del montacargas o carretilla elevadora. ¿Puedes ayudar John para construirlo  y mover unos bloques muy pesados?

Si te gusta el video, no te olvides de comentar y apoyar a Amanda DC

Puedes encontrar el video en

1 comment:

  1. They have a cool video by one of our fans Security+. She is Amanda DC. The video is about the Forklift Truck with a neat history Server+. Can you help John to build the Forklift to move the heavy blocks? CASP
